Collaborating with TORCommunity

I’m excited to be able to announce that I’m going to be working with the incredibly talented team of people that have been assembling over at TORCommunity in recent weeks.  The details are still being worked out, but the basic idea is to include the GTN tracking aspects of my work in the database that…

The Finest Form of Flattery: Why SWTOR Should Imitate WoW’s Token Mechanic

While listening to this week’s TOROCast – Episode 234 – An Offer to Consider just after the 49:00 minute mark, @swtor_miner, @ThatRoadGuy, and @Maebeebuzz began discussing the recent addition of Gold Tokens into World of Warcraft and whether or not Star Wars: The Old Republic should implement a similar option.  The core mechanic is the introduction of an item…

Quick Update

It’s been over a week since my last GTN Alert or GTN QuickView and I feel like an update is warranted.  I didn’t plan ahead for the rapid expansion in the size and scope of my database, which was simply being saved in Excel.  The short version of the story is that the database outgrew…

Inefficient Market: Universal Prefab MK-1

The efficiency of markets is an important concept  in investment management, but it is also one that can result in lively debate. It is a layered discussion that spans decades of market theory, but in this context it is employed narrowly to describe the price relationship between two related items on the GTN. An efficient…

GTN QuickView 3/2/15

Remaining Servers Need Stronghold Keys! I only need a Stronghold Bronze Key to be able to pull the same data for Jung Ma on the North American servers and all of the European servers.  I have heard from a number of people, but we both have to be online simultaneously so that you can send…